Loss Prevention Posters
Many of the shipboard incidents which give rise to P&I claims occur for reasons that are avoidable. Regularly as a result of detailed investigations, we find that in many instances human error is the principal contributing factor.
The ship's crew is a focal point for loss prevention. Complacency is a major concern, and it is often the case that seafarers no matter how experienced they may be and notwithstanding their underlying training and experience, can sometimes be involved in accidents that are avoidable.
Reinforcing basic safety principles through visual reminders can assist in controlling this area of risk, and this is the principal objective of the Club’s series of loss prevention postcards.
In an effort to convey the safety messages more widely and effectively, these safety aids are available in postcard format. As you will see below, these are designed to visually communicate best practices of ship safety for crewmembers in five key areas.
Loss Prevention posters to view or download
We would encourage the distribution of these postcards to all vessels in your fleet as essential aids to loss prevention for on-board training.
They can also be integrated into crew induction as a reference and guidance resource.
Additional sets of the posters can be obtained by contacting the Managers’ London representatives on [email protected]